What to do? You could take the bus over to the check cashing store for a payday loan. But you haven't seen a payday since you threw the wrapper away. You, my near destitute friend, have but one option, and it is Regent Bank, which, for some unfathomable reason, still uses first generation mechanical money…
As the novelist Ian MacEwan writes, “We liked disliking her
You can also add salt to the water, or other additives as well (some people like chicken broth in their rice) or just use pure water. Even pure water could be a variable; there is a difference between tap water and distilled water or bottled water. One brand of bottled water is not exactly the…
Miura in Haleiwa or Nii’s in Makaha
BMI isn a perfect measure, as it can overestimate fatness in some people. Body builders and other highly muscled athletes may register as having a BMI that puts them in the category of being overweight or obese because muscle is more dense and makes them seemingly weigh too much for their height. In reality, though,…
The flight itself was a fun experience
That is funny, the pierced clitoris. What to get huge clit movies. The darkness was alive with the moans and screams of wounded people who like muff lickers. In 2001, Steely Dan was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, while 2003 saw the release of the surprisingly loose and ultimately electrifying Everything…